Africa Hope Development Foundation
Our Mission Statement is to be a Socio-Economic liberation conveyer belt, fulfilling our social Responsible and engaging manner through unrestricted comprehensive public health outreach interventions and Educational programs for the vulnerable, incarceration, victims of societal ills rendering emergency disaster relief aid to be under privileged, to orphans countries in conflict and devastated by war in Southern Africa and beyond our borders.
Our Belief
We believe that the most important resource of Africa is its people , more especially the vulnerable, under-privileged, born with health defects orphaned and children women in poverty stricken societies/communities, and those who find themselves one way or the other in the center of various social ills. Therefore it is imperative and incumbent upon us that we should exert ourselves in helping our beneficiaries to be strengthened in their areas of need so as to enable them to be responsible enough to sustain themselves while maintaining their dignity and self-worth.
We welcome anypeople who share the same ideology with the foundation.
Our contacts
Registar number: 2013/0452
P.O. Box 32454 Pioneerspark